Banish Caregiver Burnout
by Ewa Frydel, Owner
If you're a caregiver, you might be making a goal to experience more joy and less stress while still fulfilling your heart's purpose in caring for the elderly.
First of all, good for you!
Caregiving is a highly stressful job. You care for others and still need time for yourself. As a caregiver, you're empathetic to other's needs and can be a pretty selfless person. That is noble, but we want to make sure you aren't putting your needs off to the side either.
We'd like to help you succeed with your stress management with the following tips. Let's look into how to prevent caregiver burnout.
Banish Burnout Tip 1: Get Organized.
We're not just talking about work tasks. We also mean self care. You can write in a calendar to have a bath every Wednesday and Sunday. Schedule down time around the beginning of your caregiving work week and then mid week. Having this down time blocks in the week is going to reset you. Don’t wait until only Friday to do everything, try little things here or there to keep stress at bay.
Do this for all leisure time, like playing with the kids, baking a delicious snack, or enjoying your favorite show. Whatever you decide, be sure to add these enjoyable moments each and every day.
Banish Burnout Tip 2: Have a Morning and Night Routine.
How we start our day and how we end it are crucial. It's a chance for you to be alone and breathe. Include meditation and journaling during these blocks of time. Avoid looking at emails or socials.
Having time for yourself before your day starts and as it ends, prevents resentment because you know there's always time for you. You have something to look forward to. When stress levels are reduced at the start of your day, specifically, you’ll be better off to make calm and responsible decisions throughout the day. What you choose to eat. How you choose to respond to a difficult patient. How many tasks you complete with energy.
Having all of these wonderful calming reactions to your day will make you feel more pride in yourself and reduce even more stress. It also helps a great night’s sleep!
Banish Burnout Tip 3: Talk About It.
If you're missing self-care tasks, you may be overloaded. If you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed, please talk to someone you trust. Sometimes we book self care but don’t show up for it, or we binge it all in one day. This could mean you’ve got either a new habit to form, which takes time, or… you’re overloaded. Find someone calm and cool-headed to talk to. Find ways to manage your time and help prioritize relaxation. Maybe you can do it together!
Many times our stress can be caught early and expressed in healthful ways. You're not alone and there are people who want to help you. There are many resources available to you to help you achieve your stress management goals as a caregiver.
Remember you are not alone and you most definitely can do this! Stay on track. Don't give up on yourself.
If you need someone to talk to or want more tips, you can contact us.
We have been in your shoes and work every day to help caregivers and seniors thrive.
We're here to help!
Legal Disclaimer
This blog provides general information and discussions about managing caregiver stress and should not be construed as medical advice.