The Importance of Keeping Seniors Connected
When we age, our lives become busy and we lose connection. However, we are social beings, and staying connected increases the chances of longevity, especially for our seniors. Let’s look into the benefits of socializing for seniors and explore options to get your senior more engaged with others.
Connecting Children and Seniors: a Special Bond
Whether you’re introducing a new child to your aging family member or they’ve known them for several years, this article will highlight the benefits of connecting children with our senior loved ones.
Senior Dating: Tips and Tricks
Who says we can't find love later in life? There are seniors successfully dating who would say it's completely possible. Not to mention, dating for seniors is an incredible form of companionship! If your senior mom or dad knows who they're looking for during this chapter of their life, you can help narrow down the search and find someone who meets most, if not all, of the criteria. Here are some tips.